
Monday, May 16, 2011

Free Logo Maker Software – Not A Smart Person’s Choice!

“Genius ain't anything more than elegant common sense”
How true this phrase is!

Today not everybody is a genius; it means no one uses his/her common sense to get to the crux of the matter. I guess this is the reason, free logo maker software are a buzzword today. People don’t give in thought before going for such free options that are of course no way good for their business reputation. To put it in another way, they don’t use their common sense and those who do, make a mark through their professionally designed logo design.

Can you convince yourself about designing a corporate identity for your company? Do you have any plausible explanation for this?

It is might possible that you don’t know the answers to the preceding two questions. You can further read the article if you want the answers.
Did you use to get a top rank in arts?

No doubt you were good but ask yourself if it is a plausible justification of claiming yourself a graphic designer. You know you can’t do that, may be this is why; you went for free logo maker download but can you come up with a high-ending logo design that only a professional graphic design can create?

Do you think you are creative?

Again no doubt you are creative but can you bear software that takes all the creative freedom from you. With zilch creativity how would you be able to create something that you always dreamt of?

Do you want to use blue color?

Well, that is just an example. You might want to use red, white or black as well, its all up to you but can you expect a predefined logo templates to allow you the use of colors as per your own requirements?

Colors are a subtle way of transmitting message into the sub-conscious minds of the viewers; therefore, a person has to be really smart when playing with colors. With free logo maker download, you won’t be able to draw a logo containing colors that are according to your business nature and your own desire.

If you have ever downloaded it, you might encounter already colored clipart drawings that are no less than a school painting, therefore, you will have to use them as it is which is the greatest tragedy more than the novel, Romeo and Juliet.

Hence, answer the three questions posed above to elucidate your minds about the use of free logo makers or softwares. The final choice is yours!

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