
Monday, October 31, 2011

A Jungle Full Of Awesome Ideas for Cost Free Animal Logo

There is no doubt that the most brilliant and unforgettable business icon designs are also the most plain in appearance. You want your company identities to be recognized straight away, acting as a terrific bookmark in the minds of the viewers. A passer-by will normally just give a momentary glance to the business icon, and an exceedingly intricate business icon will make that opportunity superfluous.

Why do most companies prefer using jungle creatures in their business icons? How can they relate to the business? That is the main art and the technique of the art. Faunas are cute to look at and are easier to remember. That is why most companies prefer using them in their business icons. And somehow make them relate to the business or its nature.

Following are some excellent animal logo ideas that you might find handy while creating your business design:

1. The creature should relate to the company and its business in every sense:

Different creatures can be used to represent different characteristics of the business or its owner. For example, if you want to symbolize faithfulness, the image of a dog is the perfect representation because a dog is known and recognized worldwide as the most loyal creature. For sovereignty, it’s a lion. For cunningness, you can use a fox and for inscrutable nature of a female, cat is the perfect representation. Try to find out the sense or meaning you want to describe through your business icon.
Remember one thing, besides the business and the message, also keep in mind the target audience while you are designing. Try and highlight the most prominent feature of the company by using the most appropriate creature. Like, for instance, for speed you can use a cheetah, and for strength, a rhinoceros.

2. Use fonts according to the creature’s nature:

The typescript should be complementary to the fauna used in the design. You can also apply two different types of fonts, keeping in mind that they should go with the understood nature of the creature. If the nature of the creature is sweet and easy going, you can use something swirly and thin lined. But if the creature is known to be ferocious in nature, then the font should be bold and dark, thick lined.

Free animal logo can be very interesting to use if you know the right kind of application. But still if you don’t have any ideas, you can always hire a professional!

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